Is it working?

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Eddie Maxwell

Is it working?

Post by Eddie Maxwell »

Harvest record/game check rule history:

History: New Rule: Filed September 6, 2007; effective October 11, 2007.

That's when the dcnr decided to change its own mission from the state defined purpose of conservation to "qdm" deer management.

Doe bag limits went from a few per year to two per day, and buck bag limits went from 119/yr to 3 with an antler restriction. The purpose was said to be balancing the buck/doe ratio, adjusting buck age structure and adjusting carrying capacity to fit the habitat.

That was 16 years ago.

Is it working?

Is its results worth the loss of constitutional government involved and loss of freedom and liberty involved?

Has a state deer biologist ever visited the land where you hunt to evaluate the conditions there?

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Re: Is it working?

Post by Tru-Talker »

Pfft...Is this a joke of a question? They aint never left their cozy air conditioned/heated office to check shiit...
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Re: Is it working?

Post by Walktheline »

It does not work. The deer are the same size , body weight , and score as they were 10, 20, 30 years ago.

The only thing that’s changed is there are less deer everywhere from mobile to north of Huntsville.

A bag limit can’t change the age structure or trophy potential. It’s stupid to think it can and sounds like some ghey QDMA theory. If a doe makes up half of the genetics there’s no way of knowing if the ones being killed are the ones that were bred by the buck that would always be a 112 inch 5 year old eight point , so no , their theory doesn’t work and it makes about as much biological sense as a football bat.

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