OA: Outdoor Alabama (
GC: Game check
DCNR: Dept. of Conservation and Natural Resources
HELP: Hunter Education and Licensing Program ??? My best guess
CID: Conservation Identification Number
As of Monday only 3 states did not have harvest management (Game Check), Florida, Mississippi, and Alabama.
Game Check became law on Tuesday (deer and gobblers) so Florida and Mississippi are the only states left.
80% of survey respondents support game check
As wildlife biologists, DCNR staff need the data from GC to more accurately set harvest limits. It's possible that the current estimates are way overestimated.
There are 3 ways to report: GC Smart phone app, OA website from a desktop PC, and an 800 phone number
Everyone has to report even those exempt from licenses. Exempt folks must get a HELP number to enter into system. You can get one from OA
You must fill out a harvest record OR record your kill in the phone app before moving an animal.
NO EXCUSES FOR LACK OF CELL SERVICE. The app will store your information and automatically upload it when cell service becomes available. It records 4 pieces of info and associates them with your CID : age of animal, sex of animal, county, and date.
Alabama will start issuing a Conservation ID number this year. The CID number is permanent. Your HELP number must be redone each year. All you really need to remember is the CID which is a six digit number (easy to remember).
Deer season changes: Statewide feb 10 was required to get game check working seamlessly. They aren't gonna really enforce daylight hour changes within 5 minutes but need statute to prosecute bad violations (10 to 15 minutes)
That's all I've got for now, gotta run to a meeting, will check back later.
When I die I don't wanna go quietly in the night ...
I wanna slide in sideways kickin and screamin!
Life is good, soak it up while you can
Interesting about the cell phones....What about the people who don't have phones or still use flip phones or non smart phones.... You'd be surprised at all the older folks who have flips and not smart phones.... I hunt with two of em.... So what do they do? Is it gonna be like Obamacare where they are forced to buy a smartphone?
"If you have a phone!!! You can keep that phone!!"
Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves...