Game Check Seminar Notes
Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 9:36 am
From last night in Scottsboro ...
It was good to see both Nighthunter and 2dogs too
Anyway here are my notes:
OA: Outdoor Alabama (
GC: Game check
DCNR: Dept. of Conservation and Natural Resources
HELP: Hunter Education and Licensing Program ??? My best guess
CID: Conservation Identification Number
It was good to see both Nighthunter and 2dogs too
Anyway here are my notes:
OA: Outdoor Alabama (
GC: Game check
DCNR: Dept. of Conservation and Natural Resources
HELP: Hunter Education and Licensing Program ??? My best guess
CID: Conservation Identification Number
- As of Monday only 3 states did not have harvest management (Game Check), Florida, Mississippi, and Alabama.
- Game Check became law on Tuesday (deer and gobblers) so Florida and Mississippi are the only states left.
- 80% of survey respondents support game check
- As wildlife biologists, DCNR staff need the data from GC to more accurately set harvest limits. It's possible that the current estimates are way overestimated.
- There are 3 ways to report: GC Smart phone app, OA website from a desktop PC, and an 800 phone number
- Everyone has to report even those exempt from licenses. Exempt folks must get a HELP number to enter into system. You can get one from OA
- You must fill out a harvest record OR record your kill in the phone app before moving an animal.
- NO EXCUSES FOR LACK OF CELL SERVICE. The app will store your information and automatically upload it when cell service becomes available. It records 4 pieces of info and associates them with your CID : age of animal, sex of animal, county, and date.
- Alabama will start issuing a Conservation ID number this year. The CID number is permanent. Your HELP number must be redone each year. All you really need to remember is the CID which is a six digit number (easy to remember).
- Deer season changes: Statewide feb 10 was required to get game check working seamlessly. They aren't gonna really enforce daylight hour changes within 5 minutes but need statute to prosecute bad violations (10 to 15 minutes)