Mr. Lonnie Sneed’s Heart Breaker

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Hevishot 13
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Mr. Lonnie Sneed’s Heart Breaker

Post by Hevishot 13 »

Any of y’all use a call from Lonnie Sneed? I absolutely love Lonnie Sneed pot calls. My newest new to me call is his Heart Breaker ceramic. It sounds phenomenal! I’ve been running it here in the house for a few days now with a variety of strikers. A simple hickory or Purple Heart really makes it sing. I’ll make a sound file for it in the next few days. For those that don’t know, Mr. Sneed is almost 90 years old and lives in WV. His calls arent perfect in assembly or looks. Best I can tell, he cuts the calls out with a band saw instead of turning them in a lathe. Some may not be perfectly round, some may have glue on them. Some may have runs in the varnish. But make no mistake, they are some of the finest sounding calls ever built. I would love to sit and watch him make one to learn his secrets before he’s gone. If you want to try one, I would suggest calling him before it’s too late. They are very hard to find used and the waiting list for a new one is long. He hand makes the playing surface cover as well. It’s awesome that he provides a good looking piece of protection for such wonderful pots. These are pics I stole off the internet because I’m too lazy to get up to take a pic of mine. 😂

I will post up some of the other Sneed calls I own in a day or two. I figured there may be a pot call lover like me on here somewhere that would appreciate these.


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Re: Mr. Lonnie Sneed’s Heart Breaker

Post by David Leonard »

I don't own one but wish I did... I collect calls. I've heard a lot of good things about Lobbies calls!

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Re: Mr. Lonnie Sneed’s Heart Breaker

Post by Hevishot 13 »

So here are my current Lonnie Sneed calls. Top left is the Heart breaker ceramic, top right is the outlaw hen green glass, lower far left is the Hot Hen slate, the two in the middle on bottom are the tree talkers, and lower far right is the Terminator aluminum. I have 4 more calls coming from him, a duplicate outlaw hen, a raspy boss hen, a lonesome hen, and a box call.


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Re: Mr. Lonnie Sneed’s Heart Breaker

Post by Tru-Talker »

How do them tree talkers sound and what type striker you use on it? Purple heart?
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Re: Mr. Lonnie Sneed’s Heart Breaker

Post by Hevishot 13 »

The majority of those calls sound really well with either Purple Heart or heavy hickory. The ceramic and glass sound good with almost anything you put on them.

The tree talkers sound like bubbly hen clucks and soft helps from a tree. A very low volume call. They replicate the low barely audible stuff you hear turkeys doing and close distances and it sounds VERY realistic.
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David Leonard
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Re: Mr. Lonnie Sneed’s Heart Breaker

Post by David Leonard »

Great collection! I know they talk turkey too!

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